On October 2023, SEBI released a Master circular on KYC. This has details information of every query related to Client, intermediary and uniformity of KYC (Know your customer) across different financial Asset class.
As per Securities and Exchange Board of India, effective from April 1, 2024, investors with an ‘on hold’ KYC status will not be able to carry out any transactions in mutual funds. This new rule has impacted almost 3% of the total Investors ( 1.3Cr)
Cams KRA KYC Validation
Check the “KYC Status” using Link – CVL KRA There are 3 Type of KYC status – on Hold, Registered and Validated. Use the “KYC Inquiry” tab to put PAN number.

On Hold means – you have to find reason and modify your KYC [ Connect your Advisor and get modification done or follow Online process mentioned at Link]
Registered Means – you will continue the transaction in existing funds, but not in new funds. You need to validate your Mobile Number and Email ID by visiting KRA Website ( Process mentioned below)
Validated Means – All are good, No action required.
There are 5 KRA, you need to identify the KRA name from CVL Portal and verify your Email and Mobile number with that KRA only. and “How to Validate” is mentioned in the Article.
Note: If your KYC is showing Registered and your KRA is CVL. There is simple process available to validate the KYC online using Adhaar Card. Go to KYC Validation tab and following the process.
- Login to – CVL KRA
- Select the Tab KYC Validation. or directly hit – CVL | KRA Verification (cvlindia.com)
- put your PAN Card followed by Captcha
- verify your email ID and Mobile Number
- Once verified, again follow the same above 3 steps and reach to same verification page
- Select the option – “Proceed with Aadhaar Validation. you must have downloaded e-Adhaar (Protected with OTP – 4 char NAME and Year of Birth)
- Upload the E-Aadhaar and Password for the PDF and submit
- Within 30 Min, your KYC status will change from Registered to Validated
Now you are ready to invest in any of the Mutual Fund.
Officially Valid Documents (OVD) –
- Passport;
- Driving licence;
- Proof of possession of Aadhaar number;
- Voter’s Identity Card issued by Election Commission of India;
- Job card issued by NREGA duly signed by an officer of the State Government;
- Letter issued by the National Population Register containing details of name address; or
- Any other document as notified by the Central Government in consultation with the Regulator.
KYC Registration Agency (KRA)
- Cams KRA KYC Validation
- CVL KRA KYC Validation
- KARVY KRA KYC Validation
- NDML KRA KYC Validation
- DotEx KRA KYC Validation [ This is 100% subsidiary of NSE], also called NSE KRA now.
How to Verify Your Email ID and Mobile Number with KRA
On the respective KRA website, go to “KYC Validation”. put your PAN Card followed by Mobile number and Email ID (through OTP)
Key details about the new KYC Validation requirement which is effective from 1st April 2024:
- Introduction of New Norms: The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) introduced 24 new KYC norms effective from 1st April 2024
- KYC Status: KYCs are now being categorized as either Registered or Validated If a KYC is not validated, its status is marked as Registered
- Re-KYC Requirement: Investors are required to do re-KYC if their KYC status in KRA records is available as “KYC Registered”. This is particularly necessary for those who have used Deemed Officially Valid Documents (OVDs) for their KYC
- Independent Validation: The KYC Registration Agencies (KRAs) are required to independently validate the KYC records of individuals who have not submitted Aadhaar as an officially valid document
- Impact on Mutual Fund Investors: If your mutual fund KYC is not based on an officially valid document as specified by CAMS and KFintech, you will have to re-do your KYC by March 31, 2024. Failure to do this will mean you will not be allowed to do any MF transactions from April 1, 2024
- New Folio Creation: New folio creation in the new MF is subject to KYC status. If the KYC status is Validated, then they can continue seamlessly without submission of any KYC documents, subject to no change in the KYC information already submitted.
Please note that these changes are aimed at enhancing the security of financial transactions and preventing fraud. It’s always a good idea to stay updated with the latest regulations to ensure a smooth investment journey.